Encyclopedia of Sacred Geometry PDF cover design by Aya includes PHI reference.

Sacred Geometry — SERIES 3

Golden Cosmos: Planets, Stars & Cosmology - SG301 cover illustration by Aya.

SG301 — Golden Cosmos: Planets, Stars & Cosmology

SG301 is a comprehensive study of the Golden Ratio Harmonics in the Sun System, the universe of galaxies and in cosmology. We review ancient cosmological traditions, astrology, current frontiers of astrophysics / cosmology, harmonic dances in the Solar system, star & galactic choreographies and the holo-fractal structure and experience of the Cosmos. We come to the understanding that the cosmos is a GOLDEN COSMOS, both in terms of Sacred Geometry and as the living, mystical experience of Consciousness known as Oneness. [175 pages + 518 images]

“The stars made a circle, and, in the middle, we dance.” (Rumi)

Labyrinths: A Mini-Pilgrimage into Self - SG304 cover illustration by Aya.

SG304 — Labyrinths: A Mini-Pilgrimage into Self

This volume is a sweeping journey in art history: visiting, understanding and walking the prodigious legacy of labyrinths through the ages and around the world. SG304 offers practical techniques to trace your own labyrinths and shares insights about the various labyrinth geometries and sizes. You will learn about the history of labyrinths and especially the Medieval Church labyrinths. As a sign of these awakening times, the Western world, starting with the USA, has been lately inspired by a large-scale renaissance of labyrinths. We conclude with suggestions for the use of labyrinths in healing, in therapy and in walking meditation. [167 pages + 619 images]